About HCPL

About Our Library

When most people think of libraries, they think of books and computers and storytimes. At HCPL, we think of people: all the people it takes to select and order, catalog and process the books that go on the shelves; the people who service and maintain the computers and the network they run on, all the people who plan and organize and perform those storytimes; and, of course, we think of all the people who count on us to keep all those services, and many more, coming. Harris County Public Library is about all the materials and services you expect from your library, but first and foremost, HCPL is about people--the power of human connection and communication.

Our Mission

Harris County Public Library enriches lives to strengthen communities.

Vision: Your pathway to knowledge.

Star Values: Our Pathway to Team Excellence

All employees are expected to role-model the behaviors of our Star Values.

We are committed to these core values:

  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Open Communication
  • Celebrating Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Fun

Our interactions will be characterized by:

  • Mutual Respect
  • Enthusiasm
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Flexibility

When we disagree, we will:

  • Actively Listen
  • Mediate/Facilitate
  • Be A Good Team Member

At HCPL We C.A.R.E. about our customers and strive to provide:

HCPL News & Notes

HCPL's National Medal Story

The road to the National Medal for Museum & Library Service was long and exciting. Here's our page documenting every step of the journey.

2023 HCPL Impact Report

2023 was a big year for HCPL and we wanted to share some of the things we rolled out to enrich lives to strengthen communities.

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Spotlight On

HCPL Connected Free Wi-Fi Ends Friday, April 26, 2024

HCPL Connected T-Mobile hotspots and Acer Chromebook laptops with built-in connectivity will no longer have internet service.

Harris County Named a 2023 Digital Inclusion Trailblazer

National Digital Inclusion Alliance awards the County for strides in ensuring that all residents have access to digital resources and tech.

County Commissioners Boost Early Learning Initiatives

Harris County has awarded five organizations a total of $18.8 million to improve child care quality via the Early Learning Quality Networks.

Staff Spotlight: Mukund Kishore, Mobile Outreach Librarian

Mukund and the other Mobile Outreach Librarians provide a wide array of personalized educational programs wherever people gather.

What's happening at our library?

Harris County Public Library's 26 branches and Mobile Outreach Vehicles are constantly striving to offer programs that address the needs and interests of their neighborhoods and Harris County as a whole. HCPL believes strong communities start with well-informed, culturally-aware individuals. Our programs address all segments of the community from infant and toddler early literacy and learning skills programs to events designed especially for seniors.

  • Support literacy and lifelong learning
  • Inspire reading
  • Foster civic engagement
  • Promote cultural awareness and diversity
  • Spark creativity and innovation.
  • Enrich the life of the community and the lives of the people in it.

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