Interlibrary Loan & TexShare Cards
When we don't have what you are looking for
Occasionally, you may find that Harris County Public Library does not have the book or other item you are looking for. Don't panic! Our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service and Texshare Card program can connect you with partner libraries across the state and around the globe that might have just what you are looking for.
If you haven't made an ILL request since May 2024, you will notice some changes. This page will guide you through placing a request using the new system.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Interlibrary Loan (or ILL) is a system that allows libraries to share resources with one another. HCPL's ILL staff locate a potential lending library and send a request to borrow the item you seek. The lending library photocopies articles or checks out the material in the name of Harris County Public Library. It then mails it to HCPL for you to pick up and check out on your library card.
VIDEO: Introduction to the ILL Management System
Printable Instructions
Printable instructions for making ILL requests, tracking requests, and many other common tasks

Harris County Public Library participates in the TexShare Library Card Program sponsored by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, opens a new window. The TexShare Card Program provides free borrowing privileges to registered borrowers of member libraries, both academic and public.
The TexShare card allows HCPL cardholders to borrow materials from other participating libraries in the State of Texas. Only currently registered HCPL customers in good standing (no overdue or lost books, and no library fines) may get a TexShare card from Harris County.
TexShare Cardholders visiting from another library system will be asked to provide proof of mailing address, issued HCPL library cards, and allowed full HCPL borrowing privileges with the exception of Interlibrary Loan.
Only HCPL customers registered for 90 days in good standing (no overdue or lost books, and no library fines) may get a TexShare card from Harris County.
For complete information on this Texas State Library & Archives Commission program see the TexShare homepage.