in the Community

In the Community

Community Outreach

Our brick & mortar libraries are only part of our story.

Whether it be visits to assisted living facilities and local elementary schools, face-painting at Harris County Precinct 4's annual Sunday Afternoon in the Park, information and activity tables at Comicpalooza and Houston Maker Faire, pop-up libraries at farmers markets or our growing fleet of mobile outreach vehicles, Harris County Public Library brings library services where you may least expect them. In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, we provided books, children's activities and a mobile computer center with internet connection for hundreds made homeless by the storm.

HCPL enriches lives to strengthen communities.

Get a Library CardGet a Library Card

HCPL offers a variety of library cards- All free and available to Harris County residents!
Find the right card for you and see all that the library has to offer.

Our Outreach Programs

Curiosity Cruiser


A Super Library on Wheels!

In partnership with Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation Houston

We seek to improve the quality of life of Houston children by providing:

  • FREE books for children to read and build their very own home libraries
  • a fun, safe space to explore and activate imaginations
  • a variety of hands-on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) activities
  • Family reading events and workshops

To learn more about the Curiosity Cruiser and where it will be visiting next, please check out the website at

Request the Curiosity Cruiser for your event or school

Gradcafé on the Go
Juvenile Probation Library Services
Reading Express Mobile Classroom
HCPL @ Your Event
HCPL @ Your Community Center

It's Hurricane Season. Get ready.Get Ready

Be prepared if disaster strikes: know your risks, make a plan, assemble a kit, and stay informed.
Be prepared if disaster strikes: know your risks, make a plan, assemble a kit, and stay informed.

Outreach Blog

Check out what we are doing in the community lately!

Staff Spotlight: Mukund Kishore, Mobile Outreach Librarian

Mukund and the other Mobile Outreach Librarians provide a wide array of personalized educational programs wherever people gather.

Welcome to the Wonderful World of the Curiosity Cruiser

Learn about HCPL's Curiosity Cruiser, an outreach bookmobile program and request a visit at your next community event!

A Resource Guide for Everyone

HCPL's resource guide has groups for health, civic, legal, and social services needs in Harris County. Links to videos about resources.

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