

What Does 'Library for All' Mean?

Harris County Public Library strives to create a welcoming & inclusive environment where all people feel they belong: All races and ethnicities. All ages. All capabilities. All beliefs. All genders and orientations. This library is for all people.

Library for All is a "work in progress." Harris County Public Library is committed to addressing the needs of underrepresented and under-served communities through library policies, services, and programs. Library for All would not be true to its name without the full and active involvement of the people of Harris County. If you have suggestions for ways we can better serve you and your community, please let us know with an email 

HCPL is a Book Sanctuary

On September 19, 2023, Harris County Commissioners passed a resolution designating the Library as a Book Sanctuary.

What does that mean?

It means that the County and this Library are committed to safeguarding your constitutional right to read as you choose.

It means we will continue to protect endangered books and make them available to the public

It means we will raise awareness of book banning and censorship.

It means your free to read, learn, and think for yourself at this library.

Learn More

Harris County Commits to Protecting the Freedom to Read

Sep 26, 2023
Commissioners Court passes resolution making Harris County Public Library a Book Sanctuary

Book Sanctuary Resolution

Sep 19, 2023
The full text of Harris County Commissioners resolution making HCPL a book sanctuary to protect your freedom to read.

different colors of hands raised in celebration

HCPL works hard to make sure that everyone who enters the library sees themselves reflected in our collections. Our collections highlight the vast diversity and the whole range of lived experiences of the people of Harris County. HCPL believes that reading diversely is a pathway to empathy, understanding, and, in the end, unity.

We have large collections in many languages including Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Hindi

Below are just some ways to read diversely.

#OwnVoices refers to books about characters from underrepresented or marginalized groups in which the author shares the same identity. The writing is inspired by the author's own experiences and written from their own perspective.

Search the subject term BIPOC for titles by authors or with main characters who are Black, Indigenous, or Persons of Color.

Search our catalog using the term LGBTQtitles for books, movies, and more by and about people in the LGBTQ+ community. You will find fiction and nonfiction for all ages. There are over 5000 titles to choose from and more are added all the time

Programs & Heritage Month Celebrations
Your Right to Read
ADA, Accommodations and Neurodiversity
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access (IDEA)

Library For All Events and News

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

August 9th is International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. Check out these picture books from indigenous people all over the world

A Study in Empowerment: Women's Rights AND Wrongs

March is Women’s History month and every March, we highlight women with amazing achievements, like inventors and astronauts,…

Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl Halftime Show: What Did It Mean?

HCPL blogger Esteban S unpacks the advocacy and artistry in Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl LIX halftime performance.

Unsung Heroes & Events in Black History

Learn more about these little known people and events this Black History Month. Spanning non-fiction, historical fiction, and biographies.
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