Friends of the Library Host Celebration Luncheon

The fundraising event will highlight Harris County Public Library's groundbreaking programs & services that earned it the nation's highest honor for public libraries

Harris County Friends of the Library will host a celebration of Harris County Public Library's National Medal for Museum & Library Services, which the Institute of Museum and Library Service presented to the library in July in Washington, D.C.

The fundraising luncheon will be held at the Junior League of Houston on October 14 and will feature a multimedia presentation highlighting the library's groundbreaking programs and services that earned it the nation's highest honor awarded to public libraries. It will also feature a panel discussion with HCPL community partners and a special appearance by HCPL's viral sensation, Curbside Larry.

The Harris County Friends of the Library (HCFOL) is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization established to support the activities of the Harris County Public Library System and to help ensure the best programming, equipment, and resources for its 27 branch libraries. HCFOL acts as an umbrella group for the local branch Friends groups. raises money through volunteer-sponsored programs, Friends memberships, and direct donations. supports the library's annual Summer Reading Program and Literacy Programming, advocates for libraries, and conducts community outreach events.

"This event is both a celebration of the Institute of Museum and Library Service award and an acknowledgment that to truly fulfill the library's mission, HCPL and Harris County Friends of the Library must build a wider, more active community of library partners, supporters, and advocates," says Michelle Carnahan, HCPL's Division Director of Research and Development.

The centerpiece of the event will be a panel discussion featuring community partners, library advocates, and others. The topic will be "Expanding HCPL's Impact." Panelists include Dr. Julie Baker Finck, President and CEO of Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation; Katie Campbell Shumway, Executive Director of the League of Women Voters of Houston; Johnny Molock, Technical Director of Bridging the Digital Divide; and Bianca Springer, entrepreneur, author and maker. Edward Melton, Executive Director of Harris County Public Library, will lead the discussion.

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher, who, along with the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, nominated HCPL for the IMLS medal, plans to share special remarks during the celebration.

Learn more about the IMLS Celebration Luncheon
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