Taking Photos in the Library

Our library is a public space and all members of the public are welcome to take photographs in our space. When photographing members of the public it is recommended that the photographer inform the subjects of the image to gain their consent. If a member of the public does not wish to be photographed, please respect their choice.

As Library Staff: when featuring  (i.e. close-up, where no other faces are visible)
a patron in your photograph;

  • Please first gain their verbal consent
  • If they are a minor under the age of 18, give the parent or guardian our Model release form. The model release form is for members of the public, to acknowledge that their image may be published.Model release forms are not required for:
  • group images with more than 1 person
  • images of adults when you have received verbal consent
  • images that will NOT be published

For library Programs: Programmers will need to announce at the beginning of each program that “the library may photograph or videotape you for library promotional purposes. Notify library staff if you do not want to be photographed.”

As a Member of the Public: If you do not wish to have your photograph taken while attending a library program, please inform the librarian or photographer.

Members of the Public may take photos in the libraries without permission forms. If they are setting up a formal photo session or if they are with a local news organization, they must first contact the Branch Manager or Design & Communications Manager for Programs, Partnerships, and Outreach.

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