Book Series Weaves Fiction from The New Testament Book of Acts

Inspirational authors Davis Bunn and Janette Oke have co-authored a three-part biblical fiction series entitled Acts of Faith. This retelling focuses on the New Testament biblical book of Acts and references events that took place in the four Gospel books of the New Testament. These authors included many of the actual personages of this biblical book and give some of the unnamed New Testament characters fictitious names. They have also created characters that have dealings and relationships with these Biblical characters.  In so doing, the authors weave their character’s stories around biblical characters and historical events.

Book 1: The Centurion's Wife

The first book of this series is entitled The Centurion’s Wife. Alban is a Roman soldier who is assigned by the Judean Governor Pontius Pilate to try to clear up the mystery of the vanished body of Christ from its tomb after the crucifixion. Leah is a Jewish young lady who serves Pilate's wife who also hopes to get to the bottom of the mystery, so she stealthily sends Leah to learn the truth.  Pontius Pilate was related to Leah, so Alban had no objections to Pilate arranging a marriage between he and Leah.  Alban sees Leah as his ticket to an aspiring military career, but Leah dreads this upcoming marriage.  Will Alban and Leah marry despite this engagement that does not begin as a romantic love match?  How will this strange mission that Pilate and his wife assigned to Alban and Leah change their hearts and lives?  Learn what unfolds as you read the first book in this series.

The Centurion's Wife

Book 2: The Hidden Flame

The second book in this series is entitled The Hidden Flame.  This story continues with the characters Linux, Abigail, and Abigail’s brother Jacob, all of whom feature in the first book of the series.  Linux, who is Alban’s close friend and fellow Roman soldier, is in love with Abigail, Alban’s adopted ward.  She wants nothing to do with Linux because he is not a believer.  Abigail falls in love and marries Stephen who is actually stoned to death in the Book of Acts.  A religious zealot named Saul of Tarsus quietly held the coats of the stoners. Stephen expects to die after marrying Abigail, so he asks Linux to protect her. What will happen to Abigail after the violent death of her husband? Will she find protection from Linux and her fellow believers?  Will Linux ever understand her valiant faith?  Learn how Abigail survives as you read the second book in this series.

The Hidden Flame

Book 3: The Damascus Way

The final book in this series is entitled The Damascus Way.  This story focuses on Abigail’s brother Jacob and continues the story of Abigail and Linux. Jacob wishes to live as a believer but enjoys the excitement of his current position as a caravan guard with his guardian Alban. Jacob certainly obtains his desire for adventure in many ways.  A wealthy Syrian merchant by the name of Jamal hires Jacob and Alban to guard his caravan. Jamal has no respect for any type of religion, but strangely enough, his daughter Julia has recently embraced the religion of the believers. How will the paths of Julia and Jacob cross?  Abigail becomes a valuable asset to her fellow believers.  Linux continues to be a Roman soldier but cannot forget Abigail.  Will Abigail ever have room for Linux in her heart? All of these characters will face even more persecution for Saul of Tarsus is not finished with them. What will happen to all of these characters? Read the exciting conclusion to this series.

The Damascus Way