It is safe to say that when you find yourself in dire need of reliable legal information and resources, you are probably at a particularly low point in your life. Maybe you are facing divorce, a child custody dispute, or are being threatened with eviction. When you factor in the financial strain of attorney's fees…
Tessa Afshar’s Imaginative Retellings of the Lives of Minor New Testament Characters
How well do you know these following New Testament minor characters? Test your knowledge with this quiz. The answers are at the end of this article.
Women w
A Study in Empowerment: Women’s Rights AND Wrongs
March is Women’s History Month and every March, we highlight women with amazing achievements, like inventors and astronauts, record-breakers and disruptors who inspired societal change. They are all astounding women and should be acknowledged, but sometimes I see other women in history that I think are a little bit more relatable because they have done things…
The Pen’s Comeback: Handwriting in the Digital Age
Rediscover the lost art of handwriting: A personal journey exploring fountain pens, the science behind writing by hand, and the unexpected magic of putting pen to paper.
Boots, BBQ & Books: Travel Texas without Leaving Your Easy Chair
Fiction, nonfiction & a splattering of true crime Texas-style! Travel Texas from the safety of your own easy chair.
Genre Battle: Romance vs Horror
A comparison of the romance and horror genres focusing on similarities.
Reading the Revolution: The Women’s Movement from Sojourner Truth to Roxane Gay
A brief history of the Women's Movement in the United States and related texts.
Literary Characters in Desperate Need of Love Advice
Letters to an advice columnist from three of Henry James' most troubled characters. What would your advice be?
A Magical Interview with Tommy Terrific
This Black History Month, I got to talk to the magic man himself, Tommy Diaz, or more familiarly Tommy Terrific, and explore a little deeper into how he went from Arkansas boy, to the zany character we all know and love!
Beans in Chili: A Heated Debate
Blogger Mary M. dives into the history of chili to uncover the origins of the 'no beans' rule for Texas' state dish. What she found may surprise you.
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