Which of These Classic Characters Are You Most Like? Take the Quiz!

I have read two similar literary classics which are Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert and Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. These two works tell the story of female characters who had scandalous relationships outside of their marriages.   I liked reading these books because I enjoyed analyzing the various personality traits of the male and female characters. The three female characters in whom I enjoyed comparing among one other is Emma Bovary and Anna Karenina and Kitty Levin in Anna Karenina.  The three male characters who I enjoyed comparing in the same way are Charles Bovary in Madame Bovary and Alexei Karenin and Alexei Vronsky in Anna Karenina.  I have composed a personality quiz based on my reading experiences of these books and articles that helped refresh my memories. If you enjoyed these books for the same reason that I did, enjoy this quiz.  If you had not read either of these books, I hope that this personality quiz will interest you in also analyzing these characters. The first four questions are for the ladies and the second four questions are for the gentleman. 

Part One:  The female characters

!, Which of these sentences reflect how you feel about children and motherhood?

A. I strongly prefer children to be images on Christmas postcards.

B. Children are the heart and soul of the family.

C. You are not a terrible mother if you are no longer a physical presence in your child's life.

2. How do you see yourself reacting to feelings of jealousy over your spouse or significant other?

A. I will never face jealousy or any other negative feelings once I find the perfect romantic hero.

B. I would weep uncontrollably if I felt insecure in this way.

C. My significant other will never leave my sight if I have real or imagined reasons to feel jealousy.

3. Which of these songs reflect the marital situation that either you are experiencing or could see yourself experiencing?

A. "Ready for the Times to Get Better" by Crystal Gail.

B. "Hold On" by Avril Lavignes.

C. "It's So Sad to Belong to Somebody Else" by England Dan and John Ford Coley.

4. All three of these characters have been to elegant balls. If you have ever attended regular parties or elegant balls, which of these characters' experiences are similar to your own memories of these type of events?

A. I became even more dissatisfied with my life.

B. My heart was broken into a million pieces

C. A dashing man romantically swept me off my feet.

Part Two: The Male Characters

1. Do you flirt?

A. Does groveling count?

B. This kind of behavior seems common and uncivilized to me.

C. My naturally charming personality could be misconstrued as flirting.

2. Which statement best represents your views on fatherhood?

A. I am elated with being a father, so it stands to reason that my wife is equally elated with being a mother.

B. If you are miserable, your children should also be miserable.

C. I do not completely agree with people who believe in the stability of the nuclear family.  If you love your children, the stability will follow.

3.  How do you imagine that you would react to your wife or girlfriend betraying you?

A. My heart would break, but I would have no animosity for my rival.

B. I would confront my spouse about my suspicions and remind her of the social consequences of such an action.

C. I cannot identify with this question.  I have always been the first choice as a romantic partner.

4. Which statement best describes how important your career is to you?

A. I personally do not believe that you have to be the best at what you do, but sometimes you have to take professional risks to make your family proud of you.

B. Careers are great compensations for one's lack of emotional connections with people.

C. I would gladly throw aside any career ambitions for the woman that I love.

Madame Bovary

Anna Karenina

Which Character are you? Leave us a comment!

Ladies, you are Emma Bovary if your answers are mostly As; You are Kitty Levin if your answers are mostly Bs; You are Anna Karenina if your answers are mostly Cs.

Gentleman: You are Charles Bovary if your answers are mostly As; You are Alexei Karenin if your answers are mostly's Bs; You are Alexei Vronsky if your answers are mostly Cs.