

Changes to U.S. Immigration Policy 2025

Under the new presidential administration, there will be changes to immigration policy. You need to stay informed. Check USAHELLO.ORG regularly for trusted updates.

Your Pathway to Citizenship Starts at HCPL

Harris County Public Library has the services you need to prepare for the naturalization process:

  • Citizenship Classes covering everything you need to know to pass the naturalization exam
  • English Language Learning to sharpen your speaking, reading and writing skills
  • Job Search Programs and Career-Building Resources to give you economic stability.
  • Access to Services: Library staff can help you find and apply for the services you and your family need to thrive
  • Enhanced+ Library Cards: a library card that is also a verified photo ID
  • A Network of County and Community Partners to assist with the naturalization application and funding for the application fee

NOTE: Vouchers for Naturalization Application fees are NOT available from the library. Call the Harris County Citizenship Helpline for information: 1-833-468-4664

Citizenship and English Classes at HCPL

Citizenship and English Classes at HCPL

Why become a U.S. citizen?

U.S. Citizenship offers many benefits that are not available to non-citizens. Here are just a few reasons to consider becoming a U.S. citizen.

  • Get citizenship for your children
  • Vote in elections
  • Work in government jobs
  • Travel with a U.S. passport
  • Apply for federal scholarships & grants
  • Receive government benefits
  • Reunite your family
  • and many more

County and Community Partners are here to support you.

Over 300,000 Harris County legal permanent residents are eligible to become U.S. citizens. Harris County Public Library, working with the Harris County Housing & Community Development Department (formerly Community Services Dept) and other community partners is participating in a 3-year initiative spearheaded by the Houston Endowment that will assist eligible residents through the naturalization process with civic education classes, naturalization interview preparation, and connecting them with community partners who will help with the application process.

This investment is part of the Naturalize Now, Houston! initiative aimed at making the Houston metro area the Citizenship capital of the country. Learn more at, opens a new window!

START HERE: Citizenship Helpline

Are you ready to turn your American dream into an American reality? Call the FREE citizenship helpline to get started on your way to U.S. citizenship! 1-833-468-4664

  • Get connected with community groups that can help you every step of the way
  • Don't forget to ask about help with naturalization application fees!

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Free Citizenship Help

Harris County and HCPL are working with these community partners to provide FREE naturalization services to eligible Harris County residents who wish to take the life-changing step of applying for U.S. citizenship. All services are free.

These partners offer

  • Free legal consultations
  • Help with naturalization applications
  • Citizenship education for the exam and interview
  • Representation for the naturalization Interview

To get started on the path to citizenship, click or call one of the trusted partners below, or call 1-833-468-4664

BakerRipley Immigration & Citizenship Services

Galveston-Houston Immigrant Representation Project

The Citizenship Journey: Step-by-Step Guides

The U.S. naturalization process is complex, but you can do it. HCPL and our partners are here to support you every step of the way. Here are two articles we think you will find helpful. The first is a detailed overview of the naturalization journey from start to interview. The second tells you everything you need to know about the interview.

The Citizenship Journey: Step-by-Step

How do I become a U.S. citizen?

A step-by-step look at the naturalization process with links to the resources you will need to make your American dream an American Reality

U.S. Citizenship Interview: What to Know Before You Go

Nervous about the naturalization Interview? That's normal. But knowing what to expect and how to prepare will ease your mind. Keep reading>>

Study Guides & Flash Cards

New resources to help you get ready for the Citizenship Exam! In English and Spanish. These are the official study aids of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

New study aids

Civics Flash Cards

Get ready for the Civics Test with these Civics Flashcards with official questions and answers for the U.S. citizenship test.

Tarjetas de Estudio de Educación Cívica

Las Tarjetas ayudarán a los inmigrantes a estudiar la historia y el gobierno de Estados Unidos mientras se preparan para el examen.

Vocabulary Flash Cards for the Naturalization Test

flash cards to help United States citizenship applicants speak and write English words and learn about the United States government.

Preparing for the Naturalization Test

This pocket study guide will help you prepare for the naturalization test.

Citizenship Stories and Resources

Entrevista para la ciudadanía EE.UU.

¿Está nervioso por su próxima entrevista y examen de naturalización en los EE. UU.? Saber qué esperar y cómo prepararse le dará tranquilidad

Celebrating our National Anthem

We know it by heart, we sing it before sporting events, but how much do you actually know about "The Star-Spangled Banner?"

HCPL to Expand Citizenship Programs

Jan 25, 2024
HCPL will join other county departments and community partners to help newcomers turn American dreams into American realities

HCPL Success Story: Dhajanna

Meet Dhajanna, a former student in HCPL Naturalization Classes and a new U.S. Citizen!
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