African American Heritage
A groundbreaking new digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research.
A groundbreaking new digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research.
Chilton car repair guides and diagrams.
Tutorial: ASE Test Prep, Labor Estimates, Repair Manuals, Technical Service Bulletins and Vehicle Maintenance
Founded in 1867 by D. A. Sanborn, the Sanborn Map Company was the primary American publisher of fire insurance maps for nearly 100 years. The maps provide a wealth of information, such as building outline, size and shape.
Search for and read thousands of eBooks online, many of which can be downloaded.
Tutorial: Searching, Reading, and Downloading EBSCO eBooks to Your Mobile Device
Distributed by ProQuest, Fold3 Library Edition by Ancestry provides convenient access to a growing collection of US military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. It contains millions of records from world-class archives, many of which are exclusively available on Fold3.
Provides millions of articles from thousands of scholarly journals and other authoritative sources. With extensive coverage across academic disciplines you’ll find accurate information and articles to support your studies. Discover peer-reviewed articles to inspire research and validate your findings with Gale Academic OneFile’s extensive collection of academic journals.
Tutorial: Gale Academic OneFile
Answer the age-old question, 'What do I read next?' Search and match reading interests to books, authors, genres, or topics.
Tutorial: Gale Books & Authors
Brings together hundreds of sample business plans, small business journals, and encyclopedias. You’ll find resources covering all aspects of entrepreneurship and small business, including accounting, HR, management, marketing, taxes, and more.
Tutorial: Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Delivers comprehensive international business intelligence compiled into a logical, useable context. Designed for business professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and general researchers, this resource enables users to spend less time searching and more time connecting their discoveries to practical applications.
Tutorial: Gale Business Insights: Global
Access a collection of full-text eBooks covering a variety of topics,Gale eBooks enables you to comb through collections in a single search. You can translate content into over 40 different languages and easily download files.
Tutorial: Gale eBooks: Browsing Titles and Gale eBooks: Searching for Information
Gale General OneFile provides millions of articles from thousands of magazines, journals, newspapers, and other authoritative sources. With intuitive search features, and extensive coverage across wide-ranging topics, you’ll find accurate information and articles to support your interests. Discover full text results to fuel exploration and gain understanding through the vast selection of periodicals in Gale General OneFile.
Tutorial: Gale General OneFile
Gale Health and Wellness puts authoritative, up-to-date information on health and wellness topics at your fingertips. Inside you’ll have access to full text medical journals, magazines, reference works, multimedia, and much more.
Tutorial: Gale Health and Wellness
Offers content that reinforces the development of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. Learners can access news content including newspapers and periodicals like The Economist, The New York Times, National Geographic, Newsweek, Popular Science, Smithsonian, and more.
Users will find a vast array of resources for papers, projects, and presentations that bolster the development of critical thinking, problem solving, and effective communication skills including line notes, critical essays, related topics, critical thinking questions, viewpoints, primary sources, and more.
Tutorial: Gale in Context: Elementary
Provides users with comprehensive information, empowering learners to critically analyze and understand important topics that affect people around the world. Explore topics and events within Earth systems, global change, pollution, populations, and more.
Tutorial: Gale in Context: Environmental Studies
Makes it easy to explore class topics and find sources for your assignments. Videos, articles from premium publications, encyclopedia entries, primary sources, and more allow you investigate everything from social studies and science to literature and history in one easy-to-use resource.
Tutorial: Gale in Context: High School
Connects you to the quality information you need for assignments in social studies, science, language arts, and more. You’ll find videos, news articles, encyclopedia entries, and more in an easy-to-use tool that helps you finish your homework in record time.
Tutorial: Gale in Context: Middle School
Here you'll find resources for researching social issues like environmentalism, ethics, politics, and more.
Tutorial: Topic Pages and Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive
Here you'll find information from trusted, ad-free sources on a wide variety of science topics.
Tutorial: Topic Pages and Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive
Allows science learners to explore and manipulate interactive models in Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Space Science, and Human Anatomy. Learners control the pace of discovery to build on current knowledge or find new topics of interest.
Tutorial: Gale Interactive: Science
Access to legal forms, including wills, leases, power of attorney, divorce and more.
Tutorial: Finding Documents and Legal Tools.
Provides the trusted information you need to investigate recent releases and draw new conclusions about the classics. You’ll find literature criticism, biographies, topic and work overviews, reviews, author interviews—everything you need to transform your understanding and support your analysis.
Tutorial: Gale Literature Resource Center
Provides thousands of full-text written works ranging from plays by William Shakespeare and poems by Maya Angelou to essays by Ben Franklin and speeches given by U.S. Presidents and world leaders. You’ll also find a set of biographies, work summaries, and photographs to provide background on key titles and individuals.
Tutorial: Gale Literature
Browse original scholarly essays on authors from around the world. Places authors and their works in personal and historical context.
Tutorial: Gale Literature
Find in-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers. Includes influences of literary movements.
Tutorial: Gale Literature
Gain insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy. Best for educators, administrators, and education students.
Tutorial: Topic Finder and Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive
Find up-to-date information on a range of health care topics. Best for students, researchers, and health care professionals.
Tutorial: Topic Finder and Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive
Search magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference on a range of topics. Best for middle- and high-school students.
Tutorial: Topic Finder and Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive
Informe Académico provee acceso a más de 9.8 millones de artículos de carácter científico, académico y de interés general, provenientes de más de 1,000 publicaciones de 18 países. La mayor parte de este contenido ha sido arbitrado por expertos y se encuentra disponible en texto completo, libre de embargo, en español o portugués. Por su cobertura multidisciplinaria, Gale OneFile: Informe Académico abarca una amplia variedad de temas tales como política, historia, economía, ciencias de la salud, filosofía, ciencias exactas, tecnología y más.
Access major U.S. and international newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, or other fields.
Tutorial: Topic Finder and Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive
Research full-text titles cited in CINAHL and other resources to support specialized care, treatment, and patient management.
Tutorial: Topic Finder and Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive
Access academic journals and magazines covering the fields of physical therapy, physical fitness, and sports medicine.
Tutorial: Topic Finder and Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive
Find authoritative periodical content supporting research in all fields of psychology.
Tutorial: Topic Finder and Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive
An interactive learning program aligned with preschool and elementary standards for children ages 3-6!
Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. Best for children aged 6–14.
Explore over a century of iconic images, photography and fascinating narratives that capture the wonder of our planet and beyond.
Learn and improve skills across business, tech, design, and more. Includes 10,000+ on-demand video courses in multiple languages.
Tutorial: Gale Presents: Udemy
Primary sources dating back to the 1700s. Contains six core resources: U.S. Federal Censuses, genealogy and local history books, Periodical Source Index (PERSI), Revolutionary War Records, Freedman's Bank Records and the LexisNexis U.S. Serial Set.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers is considered the gold standard in historical news databases. As the leading newspaper in the capital of Texas, the historical Austin American-Statesman provides researchers with unique insights into the political, economic, cultural, and social life of this important state, as well as the southwest U.S. from the late 19th through the 20th century. The paper has strong central Texas coverage, especially for political reporting.
Access to historical issues of The El Paso Times (1881-2009) and the The El Paso Herald Post (1896-1996). Also included is access to current issues of The El Paso Times (2010-present).
Access to all the resources included under the Learning Express platform, including Job & Career Accelerator. You must create a free LearningExpress Login to use this resource.
Tutorial: Navigating the LearningExpress Home Page and Taking a Tutorial in LearningExpress
Resources for college admissions test preparation, including ACT, SAT, TOEFL iBT and more. You must create a free LearningExpress Login to use this resource.
Tutorial: Navigating the LearningExpress Home Page and Taking a Tutorial in LearningExpress
Resources for building and improving computer skills. Includes courses on popular software tools. You must create a free LearningExpress Login to use this resource.
Tutorial: Navigating the LearningExpress Home Page and Taking a Tutorial in LearningExpress
Resources to build basic skills and to prepare for high school equivalency exams such as the GED. You must create a free LearningExpress Login to use this resource.
Tutorial: Navigating the LearningExpress Home Page and Taking a Tutorial in LearningExpress
Access to resources for your job and career search. Includes tools to create your resume and cover letter. You must create a free LearningExpress Login to use this resource.
Tutorial: Navigating Job & Career Accelerator
Aquí encontrará recursos para mejorar sus habilidades gramaticales, de lectura, y matemáticas. De igual manera, encontrará las herramientas necesarias de preparación para los exámenes de GED y de ciudadanía. Debe crear una cuenta gratuita de Learning Express para utilizar este recurso.
Life Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the famed photojournalism magazine, spanning its very first issue in November 1936 through December 2000 in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
The Newsweek Archive offers digital access to the full run of the US edition of Newsweek, from its launch in 1933 to 2012 (when the print edition originally ceased).*
* Due to the rarity of older print volumes, there may be small gaps (issues / pages)
Full-text articles from scholarly and trade journals. Includes the Agricultural Science Collection, the Environmental Science Collection, the Biological Science Collection, and the Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Collection.
Full-text articles from scholarly and trade journals. Includes the Advanced Technology & Aerospace Collection, the Materials Science Collection, and the Engineering Collection.
"An engaging collection of resources that brings books to life." Tools to support the reading experience of K-12 students.
Catalog of items owned by libraries around Texas for use in requesting an interlibrary loan. Click here for a guide on how to place an Interlibrary Loan Request.
The Time Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the prominent weekly news magazine dating back to its first issue in March 1923 through December 2000, presented in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
Full-text poetry database of 20th century American poets.
Full-text poetry database of 20th century English poets.
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