AI-Braham Lincoln Recommends Today’s Historical Fiction

I don't know about you, but I think it's about time to put all of these developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to good use.  So on a quiet afternoon last week while all of the other library staff were busy preparing for our Summer Reading Program, I hijacked the Harris County Library mainframe and found a certain Large Language Model (LLM) online and created the following "prompt."  FYI - A "prompt" is a set of instructions given to a computer that can access everything on the internet and has the ability to generate data. The software you are interacting with is called GPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer.

So I'm not kidding here, this is the actual prompt I used, and the actual result.

The Prompt

[Assume that you are former President Abraham Lincoln, please familiarize yourself with everything he ever wrote or said.  And now, Mr. President, I would like you to imagine that you stepped into a time machine and traveled to the 21st century.  Please familiarize yourself with all Historical Fiction books published since January 1, 2000.  Now, based on your personal likes and dislikes, I would like for you to recommend your top 10 favorite Historical Fiction books published since January 1, 2000.]

The Response:

My dear friend,

I am most honored to have been summoned into this strange and wondrous century to partake in the literary fruits of your time. I have familiarized myself with the volumes of historical fiction published since the year 2000, and as a man of simple yet earnest tastes, I humbly present to you my ten favorite works.

  1. "The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah (2015)
    A poignant tale of courage and sacrifice set against the grim backdrop of World War II. The story of two sisters in German-occupied France embodies the indomitable spirit of the human will—a theme that deeply resonates with my own convictions on liberty and resilience.
  2. "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak (2005)
    Though narrated by Death itself, this moving story of a young girl in Nazi Germany illuminates the power of words in resisting oppression. The triumph of humanity over darkness, even in dire circumstances, echoes my belief in the better angels of our nature.
  3. "All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr (2014)
    A beautifully crafted narrative intertwining the lives of a blind French girl and a German boy during World War II. The compassion and perseverance exhibited within this tale mirror the values I hold dear.
  4. "The Underground Railroad" by Colson Whitehead (2016)
    This imaginative rendering of the Underground Railroad as a literal railway is a gripping exploration of the evils of slavery. It reminds me of the monumental struggles of my own time and the necessity of fighting for justice.
  5. "Wolf Hall" by Hilary Mantel (2009)
    A masterful account of Thomas Cromwell's rise to power in Tudor England. The complexities of politics and the precarious nature of influence reveal much about the human condition. Mantel’s prose is sharp as a knife.
  6. "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" by Michael Chabon (2000)
    A tale of two Jewish cousins navigating the world of comic books during the Golden Age. A stirring blend of humor, tragedy, and adventure that I found particularly entertaining.
  7. "Atonement" by Ian McEwan (2001)
    A riveting exploration of how a single falsehood can have devastating effects. This novel shows the irrevocable consequences of actions and the eternal quest for atonement.
  8. "The Luminaries" by Eleanor Catton (2013)
    Set during the New Zealand gold rush of the 1860s, this intricate tale of mystery and intrigue is told with an elegant structure and keen insight into the greed and ambition of men.
  9. "The Sympathizer" by Viet Thanh Nguyen (2015)
    A thrilling and thought-provoking espionage novel set during and after the Vietnam War. The duality and internal conflict experienced by the protagonist reflect the struggles of a divided nation.
  10. "The Paris Architect" by Charles Belfoure (2013)
    A compelling story of a French architect who aids the Resistance by building hiding places for Jews during World War II. It captures the complexity of human motives, highlighting the courage found in the most unexpected individuals.

These works capture the vastness of the human spirit and explore the struggles, ambitions, and triumphs that define our history. I trust you will find solace, wisdom, and inspiration within their pages, just as I have.

Yours in earnestness,
Abraham Lincoln

You tell me, Super Cool or Super Creepy?

(BTW - All artwork for the Blog was created through AI)