The inspirational fiction series Broadmoor Legacy by Tracie Peterson tells the story of three female cousins who share a sisterly bond. Their wealthy Grandfather Broadmoor had three sons, and each son had one daughter. This series takes place in the 1890s on Thousand Islands, which is a group of islands located in Upstate New York on the St. Lawrence Seaway near the Canadian border. This series begins when the grandfather dies, and the family learns of his will. Follow this exciting series to learn how the different relatives react to this will and enjoy reading about all three of these young women’s unique stories.
The first book in this series is entitled A Daughter’s Legacy. Grandfather Broadmoor leaves a third of his money to his orphaned granddaughter Fanny, since she inherits her deceased father’s part of the inheritance. Fanny feels extremely uncomfortable because she does not want her cousins and uncles to resent her. Fanny’s uncle Jonas assigns himself to be her legal guardian, supposedly because she is only 17 years old. Fanny’s cousins do not seem to resent Fanny’s inheritance, but how does her uncle Jonas feel? Fanny is in love with her family boat keeper, Michael, but her uncle Jonas has another suitor in mind for her. Why is Uncle Jonas so controlling of Fanny’s personal life? Will Fanny be free to marry the man that she loves? Read the first member of this series to learn the answer to these suspenseful questions.
The second book in this series is entitled An Unexpected Love. This book focuses on the headstrong character Sophie Broadmoor, whose father, Quincy, is a minister. Sophie’s mother is deceased, and her father neglects her since he is absorbed in running his home for needy people. Sophie’s naturally impetuous nature and lack of adult guidance prevent her from making sound decisions. Sophie becomes infatuated with an older man named Wesley, whom she meets during a trip to England. Sophie’s father’s fellow minister, Paul, unsuccessfully tries to befriend Sophie. Will Sophie make the right or wrong decision between these two men? Read this exciting second member of the series to learn the decision that Sophie is actually compelled to make regarding these two suitors.
The final book in this series is entitled A Surrendered Heart. This book tells the story of Amanda Broadmoor, who is the daughter of Jonas and Victoria. Amanda has ambitions to be a medical doctor, but her father refuses to allow her to go to medical school. Amanda, fortunately, has an apprentice opportunity when she works alongside Dr. Blake Carstead in her uncle Quincy’s home for needy people. Amanda and Dr Blake are both heavily opinionated people, so they have a love-hate professional relationship. Will they continue to clash, or will this relationship change from professional to personal? Amanda’s father, meanwhile, has lined up another suitor for Amanda because he wants to bail himself out of an insurmountable debt. Will Amanda be free to make her own life decisions, or will her father successfully enslave her to so-called family obligations? Read the compelling final book to learn about how Amanda’s future will unfold.
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