How Well Do You Know Shounen, Really? Take the Quiz

A new anime season is almost upon us, and it makes us think--how well do you know Shounen? Take our quiz and find out!

What year was Dragon Ball first published?
What is the name of the first arc in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
What manga finally dethroned One Piece from its almost decade long streak atop of Shonen Jump's rankings?
Speaking of One Piece, is the manga over or under 1,000 chapters?
A movie poster of Akira inspired what mangaka to pick up drawing again?
The most beloved Shounen parody, perhaps most well-regarded parody within manga and anime, is?
Before Haikyuu!! Inspired countless Japanese children to actually take up volleyball, what sports manga did this for basketball?
A gimme, but it must be asked: What three manga titles, running simultaneously in Shounen Jump, came to be known as the Big Three?
What is the name of the protagonist of the influential Fist of the North Star?
This manga popularized the concept of the Tournament arc. Which shounen title was it?
Which other series did Fullmetal Alchemist mangaka, Hiromu Arakawa, create?
Which one of these is not like the others?
Bonus: Who is Hunter x Hunter creator Yoshihiro Togashi married to?
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How did you do?

  • Less than 6 correct: Not an expert, but plus side, you got a lot of great series to look forwards to. 
  • Between 7-9 correct: Not your first rodeo with shounen, we see. You'd make it to at least the second round of the tournament. 
  • 10-12 correct: A true connoisseur of shounen! We tip our hats (or swords) to you. 
  • 13 correct: You've won the tournament! Congratulations and may your enemies, on the court or battlefield, flee from your might.  


Modern / 2000s
