August 9 is National Book Lovers Day!

August 9th marks National Book Lovers Day, a holiday that celebrates reading and those who love to read! Bookworms from across the nation salute this day by reading and sharing their favorite books with friends and family.

For librarians, every day is Book Lovers Day! Being able to provide free access to literature for everyone is what makes our jobs truly rewarding. Sharing a love of books can help children grow their literacy skills, foster a love of reading throughout adolescence, and help them be successful as adults. 

We’re celebrating this year by sharing our staff picks with you! If you’ve ever wondered what books might be on a librarian’s shelf, here are a few recommendations: 

Rachel's Pick:  The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

“This book is about a librarian whose genetic disorder forces him to time travel throughout his life, leading him to meeting his wife as a little girl and seeing his mother alive before her tragic death. It’s an unorthodox love story about time, absence, and chance that I re-read every year.” 

Susan's Pick: The Sweetness of Forgetting by Kristin Harmel

“It’s a historical fiction novel about a woman’s journey to Paris to learn her family’s secret history from her ailing grandmother. I love this novel because it connects different belief systems through baking!” 

Victoria’s Pick: Watership Down by Richard Adams

“When you read a book about talking rabbits, you're either reading a fun children's story or something akin to Hunter's Warrior's series....or...something else entirely. Watership Down is that something else. It's dramatic, beautifully paced, and is an absolute literary masterpiece. So yes, I'm 100% here for the talking rabbits (and it's nothing like the nightmarish cartoon for any of y'all similarly scarred in childhood). 

Alexis’ Pick: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

“The Picture of Dorian Gray is one of my all-time favorites because of its ability to be beautiful and dreamy, yet deeply horrifying. An exploration into the dichotomy of man is seldom filled with such intrigue and beautiful language, which is why I always keep a copy on my personal bookshelf.” 

Rachael’s Pick: All Hallows by Christopher Golden

“Talk about worthy of a TV series book adaptation! This book is both a spooky mystery and fantasy thriller all rolled up into one. It'll transport you back to the all too familiar classic Halloween movie's goosebump creepy feels, leave you nostalgic for your very own trick or treating once upon a time adventures, and also wonder what on Earth trickery may be lurking around your very own cul-de-sac this upcoming season. A perfect pre-season read!” 

Kyla’s Pick: Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

My favorite book right now is Greenlights because it is insightful, sweet, sad, and laugh out loud funny. I read it first, then I listened to it read by the author, which really cemented it as an all-time favorite for meHis writing is just as great as his acting talent. 

Paige’s Pick: Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchel 

“Great American novel on the Civil War. One of the first long books I ever read, and it introduced me to the concept of anti-heroes, complex characters, and unreliable narrators.” 

Tiffany’s Pick: Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

“I read this book on a whim while making selections for a book club, and the author became one of my very favorites. I love the way Rebecca is written, with haunting prose and perfection in character development. The levels of ongoing, dark suspense combined with an incredible expression of emotional dilemmas make it memorable.”