For many people Mother’s Day is full of love and celebration. Families gather to honor the ones who brought them into this world and provided them with love, guidance, and protection. The act of giving birth by itself is a difficult and life altering process for people with uteruses to experience, with so many changes to our bodies and the resulting changes to our lives. For this reason, mothers and motherhood are often put on a pedestal.
But some of us eventually learn that most moms aren’t like Marmie from Little Women. As we grow up, we get to see that our mothers are real people, with quirks and flaws.
Mother’s Day can bring up tough emotions for those who didn’t grow up with a mother, or have experienced loss because of a strained relationship, because of personal struggles in the process of becoming a mother, and many other reasons. Below we’ve gathered a list of books and movies that depict motherhood in all of its different forms - unconventional, messy, and real.
Are you a new parent who wants to learn more about parenting? Check out Lena Start - talking helps build babies' brains, opens a new window!
Motherhood and Identity
I Love You but I've Chosen Darkness
Difficulty with Fertility
Black Girls Must Die Exhausted
Mothers and Daughters
Reluctant Mothers
Having It All
Movies About Motherhood
Mothers in Horror Movies
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