Tessa Afshar’s Imaginative Retellings of the Lives of Minor New Testament Characters

Test Your Knowledge of Minor Characters of the New Testament

Test your knowledge of scripture with this brief quiz

Part I: A Woman with a Blood Issue

How many years did this woman have this medical condition?
What was woman's name?
How did this woman attempt to rectify her condition before approaching Christ for healing?

Part II: Lydia

In which chapter of the New Testament book of Acts is Lydia mentioned?
Where did the Apostle Paul first meet Lydia?
How is Lydia remembered in Bible History?

Part III: Aquila & Priscilla

What trade did the Apostle Paul and this married couple have in common?
How did Aquila and Priscilla help Apostle Paul in his ministry?
In what two New Testament books does the Apostle Paul send his greetings to Aquila and Priscilla?
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Author Tessa Afshar's Imaginative Retellings

We know only a few facts about these characters’ lives, but the inspirational fiction author Tessa Afshar has skillfully created life stories for them.  These three stand-alone novels tell enjoyable stories about these characters:

Land of Silence tells the story of Elianna who was the daughter of a textile trader.  Elianna’s parents unfairly blame her for the death of her younger brother whom they left in her care.  Elianna carried a horrific guilt burden and compensated by helping her father with his business.  This burden slowly and cruelly unravels Elianna’s life by costing her a loving marriage, and personal success.  Elianna’s body becomes diseased as she loses all these things that are precious to her. This desperation drives Elianna to seek Christ who could help her.  Read this enjoyable book to learn how Elianna’s life unfolds.

Lydia is the main character in the Book, Bread of Angels. Lydia and her father had a peaceful life in Thyatira running their dye business. Lydia and Eumenes' peaceful life later takes a traumatic turn when Eumenes decides to partner his business with a prominent family. This family’s cruel betrayal leads Eumenes to a tragic death, and Lydia is forced to begin a new life in the Greek city of Philippi.  The Apostle Paul happens to be on his second missionary journey in this city.  How will Lydia’s eventual encounter with the Apostle Paul transform both of their lives?  Read this exciting story of Lydia and her eventual friendship with the Apostle Paul.

Daughter of Rome is a beautiful love story of the married couple Aquila and Priscilla. They run a successful leather business in the city of Rome, and enjoy the fellowship of Christian friends.  Their married life is greatly tested when they are among the Jewish people whom the Emperor Claudius banishes from Rome.  They move to the Greek city of Corinth, and try to begin a new leather business with very little money.  Their life in Corinth begins harshly, but how does their life change when the Apostle Paul appears on their doorstep?  Read this amazing love story of Priscilla and Aquila and how they and the Apostle Paul become a tremendous support to each other.

Land of Silence

Bread of Angels

Daughter of Rome