Harris County Public Library
2023 Impact Report
When most people think of libraries, they think of books and computers, and storytimes. At Harris County Public Library, we think of people.
We think of all the people it takes to select and order, catalog, and process the books that go on the shelves; the people who service and maintain the computers and the network they run on, the people who plan and organize and perform those story times and all the other programs at our branches.
But most of all, we think of all the people who count on us to keep those services, and many more, coming. We think of all the people who love and support the library in big and small ways.
Yes, Harris County Public Library is about the materials and services you expect from a library, but first and foremost, HCPL is about people, community, and the power of human connection.
2023 was a big year for Harris County Public Library and we wanted to share some of the highlights, new programs, new initiatives that we rolled out over the course of the year to enrich lives to strengthen communities.
The Year in Numbers
2023 Highlights
Curbside Larry answers the call
In the summer of 2023, Former President Barack Obama joined HCPL's Curbside Larry on a call to celebrate the Obama Foundation's Freedom to Read Campaign.
HCPL goes fine free
With unanimous support from Harris County Commissioners Court, we join the growing number of public library systems across the country that have eliminated late fees.
It is a matter of equity. Late fees hit low-income households hardest. Even relatively small amounts can and do effectively block economically disadvantaged people from using the library. “A late fee," explained Executive Director Edward Melton, "should not keep someone from the information and resources that can literally change their lives for the better.”
Learn more
HCPL is designated a book sanctuary
In September, Harris County Commissioners Court passed a resolution making HCPL a book sanctuary. committed to safeguarding Americans' right to read, speak, and think for themselves as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Learn more about HCPL's commitment to protecting your freedom to read
Read the resolution | Watch video
The Power of Human Connection
Harris County Public Library is committed to expanding the idea of what a public library can and should be in the 21st century. We aim to provide programs and services that reach far beyond our walls with special emphasis on ensuring equitable access to information, education, and resources for all of the people we serve. From our expanded citizenship education initiative to our efforts to improve access to affordable childcare, from our interactive website to our passport services, our services are meant to bring people together. We foster constructive dialogue, greater understanding, and an interconnected network of communities where everyone can find a place where they can thrive.
Citizenship Services
HCPL helps turn American dreams into American realities with a wide array of programs and services. Citizenship Classes are taught by trained volunteer instructors. They are designed for adults preparing for the United States Naturalization Interview. Classes meet once or twice a week for 10-16 weeks, comprehensively covering all sections of the Civics Test and including tips for the citizenship interview. Classes are free, and the library provides all materials.
Sunrise Lofts
Sunrise Lofts is a Tejano Center residential facility serving youth 18-23 who have aged out of foster care. HCPL provides a small library collection for residents and staff.
Passport Services
Eight HCPL branches offer US passport application and renewal services, including passport photos. Our Passport Services webpage provides information, links to necessary forms, FAQs, and an easy-to-use appointment portal.
Learn more about HCPL Passport Services or make an appointment
Early Learning Quality Network
In partnership with Harris County and Children at Risk, Harris County Public Library is leading a community-driven approach to supporting quality improvement in childcare settings for children ages 0-8. We aim to improve early learning and childcare quality by partnering with families, caregivers, and providers to build a network of local organizations and community members focused on improving early childcare in the 77033 and 77379 zip codes.
Interactive Website
Our new website launched in April 2023. In addition to enhanced navigation and one-click access to the services and features patrons use most, the website allows library users to connect with one another to build a countywide community of readers. Users can create shareable lists of books and movies, follow like-minded readers for inspiration, rate and comment on titles they've read or viewed, and respond to others' comments.
HCPL Citizenship Students, in their Own Words
[The library] has been a wonderful help for us. We receive a lot of support...It has been a smooth process with the help of the library.
I think that it's like getting an opportunity that I didn't have before and have access to a new system that I didn't have in my country, new opportunities, new rights, and the most important part for me is the freedom that we have for everything—to express ourselves and the freedom to look out for our happiness.
For me it was something personal, like “I made it.” It is a goal that I wanted to feel American. To be able to say, “yes, I'm from here.
Connecting People with Resources
HCPL is a crucial pipeline for information and resources. It not only offers free access to its own collections, our information professionals help people everyday to find the resources and services they need. Our initiatives like HCPL Connected and Enhanced+ Library Cards provide tools that empower Harris County residents.
Enhanced+ Library Cards
The Harris County Enhanced+ Library Card is a full-service library card and a verified photo ID. It can be used as a supplemental form of Photo ID. The Enhanced+ Library Card does not replace the HCPL full-service Knowledge Card. It is an added option for library users who might benefit from another form of photo ID. Library users of any age are eligible.
HCPL Connected
In 2021 and 2022, HCPL applied for and received $25.6 million and $15.9 million in non-cash grants--the largest such grants awarded to a public library. These funds were earmarked to buy Wi-Fi hotspots and Chromebook laptops for Harris County residents who did not have reliable devices or home internet service. Beginning in early 2022 and continuing into 2023, HCPL collaborated with Harris County precincts and community partners to distribute 70,000 devices. These devices played a pivotal role in enabling children and adults alike to learn and work remotely.
Research by Mail
HCPL provides free library reference services for people incarcerated in Texas Department of Corrections facilities. Information professionals help inmates find legal resources and answer questions on housing, healthcare, and the transition into the workforce, among many other topics.
Juvenile Probation Outreach
In partnership with the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department (HCJPD), HCPL provides library services to young men and women completing residential programs within the HCJPD system.
HCPL's Enhanced+ Library Card Is More than a Library Card and Photo ID
I am excited and so grateful to say that the Harris County Enhanced Library Card is the best in the state and the only one that is inclusive of gender preference. We are grateful for the leadership, commitment, love and hard work that [library staff] have put into the program. Thanks to their support, we can say that more than 6200 people have a new enhanced library card.
Working with the Harris County Public Library Team has given us hope that our elected officials still have empathy and are willing to implement policies and programs that will protect the most vulnerable communities.
Damaris Gonzalez
Texas Organizing Project
Programming & Events
Apollo Chamber Players perform at Octavia Fields
Branch Library for Banned Books Week
From weekly Baby Times that provide our youngest patrons with the skills they will need to become strong readers and to succeed in school and beyond to cultural enrichment programs like Apollo Chamber Players' Library Voyage performance series, Harris County Public Libraries hosted 11,500 events that brought over 330,000 patrons into our libraries in 2023.
Programming Highlights
Cornerstone Programs
Workforce Development, Entrepreneurship & Creativity
HCPL provides a variety of tools that allow people to build better futures for themselves and their families. The library offers beginner computer classes as well as state-of-the-art maker equipment for creatives and entrepreneurs. It provides accredited high school diplomas and online skill certification courses, job search databases and small business workshops. HCPL workforce development programs drive economic growth in our communities.
State of the Art Tools
Maker Central is HCPL's network of Innovation Labs, Digital Media Labs, and Maker Labs at HCPL locations. It gives the public free access to state-of-the-art equipment like 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC milling machines, digital recording and editing equipment, and much more. Maker Central locations offer orientation classes and programs for hobbyists, creatives, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
Career Online High School
Adult learners can earn an accredited high school diploma and career certificate online. In partnership with Smart Horizons Career Online Education, HCPL offers limited free scholarships to qualified adult learners.
Computer & Technology Literacy
Many HCPL locations offer Basic Computer Training for adults. Classes range from beginner level (using a mouse, setting up a free email account) to more advanced (Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace). HCPL staff present classes in branch computer labs. Some locations offer bilingual or Spanish courses.
Learn More about HCPL Workforce Development
Maker Central
Career Online High School
Job & Career Online Tools
Outreach: The Library Goes Wherever People Gather
HCPL is a library without walls. Our Outreach Teams bring library services and education wherever Harris County residents gather with special attention to underserved communities.
Curiosity Cruisers
The Curiosity Cruisers is a fleet of four "Super Libraries on Wheels." HCPL staff visit schools, community centers, and special events to promote literacy and STEM education and to spark imagination. The Curiosity Cruisers are a partnership with the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation. Each child who visits gets to take home a free book of their choosing to help build their home library.
Mobile Outreach Librarians
HCPL's Mobile Outreach Librarians are a team of educators and library professionals who take the library message of lifelong learning to community centers and wherever Harris County residents gather. They offer everything from beginner computer and naturalization exam classes to charcoal drawing classes to Enhanced+ Library Card sign-up events.
Reading Express
The Reading Express is a mobile classroom that takes early literacy programming to children ages two months to 4 years. This mobile classroom is a dynamic school on wheels. The curriculum is designed to develop phonological and print awareness, oral language, fine motor, and other early literacy skills through the exploration of books, nursery rhymes, songs, art, and play. It reaches high-need communities throughout Harris County. Classes take place either on the bus or in community rooms in apartment complexes and other community-based venues. In partnership with literacy NOW.
Praise for HCPL's Mobile Outreach Librarians
The impact of the Harris County Public Library's services cannot be overstated. It has fostered a sense of belonging, inclusion, and empowerment among the diverse refugee population we serve. The library's dedication to supporting our refugee families in their native languages has not only bridged communication gaps but has also promoted cultural understanding and unity.
Praveena Lakshmaman
Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston
I want to express my appreciation to the Library for conducting a basic, intermediate and advanced computer class at our church over the past year. The library provided my church with an experienced and dedication computer instructor from their Mobile Outreach Team…
I want to thank the Harris County Public Library for providing me with the resources necessary to learn the skills required to thrive in the digital age we live in today.
Ruth P.
Computer student
and member of Yale St. Baptist Church
The Big IDEA: HCPL is Committed to Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Access
To truly make Harris County Public Library a Library for All, we must examine the library as a whole to identify areas for improvement and then take appropriate action.
HCPL will form a committee for Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) to help audit, recommend, and implement policies, practices, programs, and organizational behaviors that foster authentic inclusion, diversity, equity, and access within Harris County Public Library's services and programs. This work will position the organization for greater engagement with and impact on Harris County's diverse communities.
We aim to increase racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and ideological diversity across our partners, stakeholders, volunteers, Friends of the library, and interns while expanding our culture of equity, access, and inclusion within the organization.
HCPL Celebrates Harris County's Diversity Every Day
and these observances, among many others, yearly

Repair Cafe at Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library, volunteers'
know-how and skills keeps broken appliances out of the landfill
Beginning in 2023, HCPL has been working toward Sustainable Libraries Initiative certification. The library is striving to align its practices with the triple bottom line definition of sustainability: environmentally sound, economically feasible and socially equitable.
When you hear the word sustainable, your mind probably immediately goes to things like recycling, reusable bags, electric cars, and solar panels. While those are all important things, becoming a sustainable organization is about much more than “being green," it is about applying the triple bottom line definition of sustainability to how we operate and embracing practices that are environmentally sound, socially equitable, and economically feasible.
Building a Sustainable Library
Come with Harris County Public Library as We Move, Together, into 2024 and Beyond
HCPL has big plans for 2024 and beyond. Though we cannot know exactly what the future holds, we know that we will continue to adapt to meet the ever-evolving needs of the communities we serve. We also know that we will always be powered and empowered by people: people who work here, people who depend on us for information resources and much more, people who support the work we do in countless ways—people, in short, just like you.