A child will read because they want to read. No amount of facts and figures will entice a child to read, much less for fun. Like most kids, if you had told me as a child that reading for pleasure on a daily or weekly basis would lead to success in academics and life, I wouldn’t have cared. The only thing that mattered to me was if I would enjoy the book I was reading.
To help children develop their own internal motivation to read and help them stay on grade level in reading, Harris County Public Library offers Book Buddies, a literacy enrichment program. By giving children extra reading practice with a caring mentor, Book Buddies provides a positive experience that inspires children to become lifelong readers.
How It Works
Once a week for 45 minutes, trained volunteers (Big Buddies) are paired with children in Kindergarten through third grade (Little Buddies) for one-on-one reading time. For 10 weeks, Big Buddies encourage Little Buddies to choose books that interest them, support Little Buddies as they read aloud, guide Little Buddies into new reading territories, and help nurture their Little Buddies’ natural curiosity about stories and the world around them.
Big Buddies Needed
Do you enjoy working with children? Want to earn service hours? Become a Big Buddy! Our next Book Buddies session will run from February to April 2020.
We are currently accepting applications for adult volunteers at the following five locations: Atascocita Branch Library, Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library, Evelyn Meador Branch Library, Katy Branch Library, and Maud Smith Marks Branch Library. If you are 18 or over and interested in volunteering, please fill out the online application.
We are currently accepting applications for teen volunteers (7th -12th grade) at six locations. Apply in person at one of the following locations: Aldine Branch Library, Barbara Bush Branch Library, Crosby Edith Fae Cook Cole Branch Library, North Channel Branch Library, South Houston Branch Library, and Spring Branch Memorial Branch Library, Lone Star College - Tomball Community Library.
Improve your child’s reading skills!
To sign your child up for Book Buddies, please contact the following locations: Aldine Branch Library, Atascocita Branch Library, Barbara Bush Branch Library, Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library, Crosby Edith Fae Cook Cole Branch Library, Evelyn Meador Branch Library, Katy Branch Library, Maud Smith Marks Branch Library, North Channel Branch Library, South Houston Branch Library, Spring Branch Memorial Branch Library, Lone Star College - Tomball Community Library.
For more information on the importance of reading aloud to a child visit Read Aloud.
For more information on Literacy Fact & Figures visit the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation.
This blog was written by Anonymous (not verified) and first appeared November 2019.
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