10 ways the library can help with No Buy January

What is No Buy January?

The holidays leave many people feeling exhausted.  As we settle back into our regular routines, some may discover that they spent more than they should have in December. Others re-evaluate 2024 and want to financially do better than they did last year.  Hello, No Buy January.  It is a new trend that is like dry January, but instead of going alcohol-free for the month, people curb their spending.  Some people decide to only buy those things that are necessary to sustain life such as food and toilet paper.  Others may focus on just one thing like making coffee at home instead of purchasing it at Starbucks. There is no wrong way to join the challenge.  You can use what you have and borrow what you do not have.
One of the best ways to borrow is to borrow from the library. Libraries do more than loan books to people.   They are the hub of their community and offer many, many services for free to the public.   They are not only a library of books but also a library of things.

10 Ways Harris County Public Library Supports Your No Buy January

 1.  Maker Space

Several of the Harris County Public Library branches offer maker machines for public use, such as 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC milling machines, Cricut, and even sewing machines and sergers.  Once you take the orientation class, you can go online and schedule time to use the machines for free. 

 2.  Gardening tools 

Two of our locations, Baldwin Boettcher Branch Library and Evelyn Meador Branch Library, offer garden tools for loan. Shovels, wheelbarrows, rakes are just a few available for loan. 

3.  Movies and other media  

The library has physical CDS, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs for loan. HCPL also offers free streaming movie and music services, downloadable audiobooks, newspapers, magazines, and even comic books you can check out on your phone, tablet, or PC.

4.  PlayStations, Nintendo Wiis and other electronic devices 

Many of the libraries are equipped with PlayStation and Wiis. You cannot take them home with you, but you can use them while at the library.

5.  Senior Field trips 

Many offer free monthly field trips to interesting places all over the county for people 55 and older.

6.  Classes 

English as a second language, Citizenship, and High School Diploma are just a few classes offered at many libraries.

7.  Technology in-house

Free access to WIFI, laptops for in-library use, use of Microsoft programs and basic computer classes are available in person.

8.  Online Classes 

Enjoy the convenience of online on-demand classes on the HCPL website.  The library has partnered with several companies to offer free access to their classes and databases.  Get your certification in a software, learn how to use AI, Canva and many other software.

9.  Convert personal pictures and film 

Do you have old films that you would like to convert to a digital format? Several of the libraries have access to equipment to help transfer your personal movies or pictures to a digital format.

10.  Gardens

Some libraries maintain gardens for their community. You may find tomatoes, basil, and other delicious items available for picking.  This will vary depending on the growing season.  

Visit your local library in person or online and learn about the FREE services it has to offer to its community. You may find you will still utilize them pass January.  You will not just save some money; you will decrease your carbon footprint.    

As you can see, using your library can save you money, but how much? One HCPL blogger shares her story. READ>>


Get Started with These Books

3D Printer Projects for Makerspaces

Cricut Maker for Beginners

The Beginners' Guide to Gardening

The Art of Upcycling